July 18th, 2024

My car has already been fixed up, more or less. The hood is still a bit deformed and I could see it pop up when I hit a bump on the way home. There's also this rubber part of the grill that he had to zip-tie together, it's apparently just impossible to find parts for it even though it's not that old. My mom doesn't want me driving it until it's inspected, and she's looking to get me a new (used) car.

Not a ton else today. I worked a little more on Midroket, refining the script a bit. Honestly had trouble thinking up characters, had to actually look at real scripts for inspiration. I've removed a few sounds from it and didn't like some of the letters, so I shuffled them around and came up with some new ones. I've also done a lot in the event rerun in Arknights today. Ray is really, really fucking good it turns out. She turns the event boss from a nightmarish slog to a joke. I honestly really like the Hunter branch as a concept and she's basically like the platonic ideal of one.